Name | Description |
Return the absolute value | |
Return the arc cosine | |
Add time values (intervals) to a date value | |
Add time | |
Decrypt using AES | |
Encrypt using AES | |
Logical AND | |
Suppress ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY value rejection | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return Polygon or MultiPolygon area |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Convert from internal geometry format to WKB |
Return numeric value of left-most character | |
Return the arc sine | |
Assign a value (as part of a statement, or as part of the SET clause in an statement) | |
Assign a value | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Convert from internal geometry format to WKT |
Decrypt ciphertext using private or public key | |
Derive symmetric key from asymmetric keys | |
Encrypt cleartext using private or public key | |
Generate signature from digest | |
Verify that signature matches digest | |
Return the arc tangent | |
Return the arc tangent of the two arguments | |
Return the average value of the argument | |
Repeatedly execute an expression | |
Check whether a value is within a range of values | |
Return a string containing binary representation of a number | |
Cast a string to a binary string | |
Return bitwise AND | |
Return the number of bits that are set | |
Return length of argument in bits | |
Return bitwise OR | |
Return bitwise XOR | |
Bitwise AND | |
Bitwise inversion | |
Bitwise OR | |
Bitwise XOR | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return geometry of points within given distance from geometry |
Case operator | |
Cast a value as a certain type | |
Return the smallest integer value not less than the argument | |
Return the smallest integer value not less than the argument | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return centroid as a point |
Return the character for each integer passed | |
Return number of characters in argument | |
Synonym for CHAR_LENGTH() | |
Return the character set of the argument | |
Return the first non-NULL argument | |
Return the collation coercibility value of the string argument | |
Return the collation of the string argument | |
Return result as a binary string | |
Return concatenated string | |
Return concatenate with separator | |
Return the connection ID (thread ID) for the connection | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Whether MBR of one geometry contains MBR of another |
Convert numbers between different number bases | |
Cast a value as a certain type | |
Convert from one timezone to another | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return convex hull of geometry |
Return the cosine | |
Return the cotangent | |
Return a count of the number of rows returned | |
Return the count of a number of different values | |
Compute a cyclic redundancy check value | |
Create private key | |
Create public key | |
Generate shared DH secret | |
Generate digest from string | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Whether one geometry crosses another |
Return the current date | |
Synonyms for CURDATE() | |
Synonyms for CURTIME() | |
Synonyms for NOW() | |
The authenticated user name and host name | |
Return the current time | |
Return the default (current) database name | |
Extract the date part of a date or datetime expression | |
Add time values (intervals) to a date value | |
Format date as specified | |
Subtract a time value (interval) from a date | |
Subtract two dates | |
Synonym for DAYOFMONTH() | |
Return the name of the weekday | |
Return the day of the month (0-31) | |
Return the weekday index of the argument | |
Return the day of the year (1-366) | |
Decodes a string encrypted using ENCODE() | |
Return the default value for a table column | |
Convert radians to degrees | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Decrypt a string |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Encrypt a string |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Dimension of geometry |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Whether MBRs of two geometries are disjoint |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | The distance of one geometry from another |
Integer division | |
Division operator | |
Return string at index number | |
Encode a string | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Encrypt a string |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | End Point of LineString |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return MBR of geometry |
Equal operator | |
NULL-safe equal to operator | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Whether MBRs of two geometries are equal |
Raise to the power of | |
Return a string such that for every bit set in the value bits, you get an on string and for every unset bit, you get an off string | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return exterior ring of Polygon |
Extract part of a date | |
Extracts a value from an XML string using XPath notation | |
Return the index (position) of the first argument in the subsequent arguments | |
Return the index position of the first argument within the second argument | |
Return the largest integer value not greater than the argument | |
Return a number formatted to specified number of decimal places | |
For a SELECT with a LIMIT clause, the number of rows that would be returned were there no LIMIT clause | |
Decode to a base-64 string and return result | |
Convert a day number to a date | |
Format UNIX timestamp as a date | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return geometry collection from WKT |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return geometry collection from WKB |
Construct geometry collection from geometries | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return N-th geometry from geometry collection |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return name of geometry type |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return geometry from WKT |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return geometry from WKB |
Return a date format string | |
Get a named lock | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return length of LineString |
Greater than operator | |
Greater than or equal operator | |
Return the largest argument | |
Return a concatenated string | |
Return true if all GTIDs in subset are also in set; otherwise false. | |
Return all GTIDs in set that are not in subset. | |
Return a hexadecimal representation of a decimal or string value | |
Extract the hour | |
If/else construct | |
Null if/else construct | |
Check whether a value is within a set of values | |
Return the numeric value of an IP address | |
Return the IP address from a numeric value | |
Return the numeric value of an IPv6 address | |
Return the IPv6 address from a numeric value | |
Insert a substring at the specified position up to the specified number of characters | |
Return the index of the first occurrence of substring | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return N-th interior ring of Polygon |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Whether MBRs of two geometries intersect |
Return the index of the argument that is less than the first argument | |
Test a value against a boolean | |
Whether the named lock is free | |
Whether argument is an IPv4 address | |
Whether argument is an IPv4-compatible address | |
Whether argument is an IPv4-mapped address | |
Whether argument is an IPv6 address | |
Test a value against a boolean | |
NOT NULL value test | |
NULL value test | |
Whether the named lock is in use; return connection identifier if true | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Whether a geometry is closed and simple |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Placeholder function |
Test whether the argument is NULL | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Whether a geometry is simple |
Append data to JSON document | |
Create JSON array | |
Append data to JSON document | |
Insert into JSON array | |
Return value from JSON column after evaluating path; equivalent to JSON_EXTRACT(). | |
Whether JSON document contains specific object at path | |
Whether JSON document contains any data at path | |
Maximum depth of JSON document | |
Return data from JSON document | |
Return value from JSON column after evaluating path and unquoting the result; equivalent to JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT()). | |
Insert data into JSON document | |
Array of keys from JSON document | |
Number of elements in JSON document | |
Merge JSON documents | |
Create JSON object | |
Quote JSON document | |
Remove data from JSON document | |
Replace values in JSON document | |
Path to value within JSON document | |
Insert data into JSON document | |
Type of JSON value | |
Unquote JSON value | |
Whether JSON value is valid | |
Return the last day of the month for the argument | |
Value of the AUTOINCREMENT column for the last INSERT | |
Synonym for LOWER() | |
Return the smallest argument | |
Return the leftmost number of characters as specified | |
Left shift | |
Return the length of a string in bytes | |
Less than operator | |
Less than or equal operator | |
Simple pattern matching | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Construct LineString from WKT |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Construct LineString from WKB |
Construct LineString from Point values | |
Return the natural logarithm of the argument | |
Load the named file | |
Synonym for NOW() | |
Synonym for NOW() | |
Return the position of the first occurrence of substring | |
Return the natural logarithm of the first argument | |
Return the base-10 logarithm of the argument | |
Return the base-2 logarithm of the argument | |
Return the argument in lowercase | |
Return the string argument, left-padded with the specified string | |
Remove leading spaces | |
Return a set of comma-separated strings that have the corresponding bit in bits set | |
Create a date from the year and day of year | |
Create time from hour, minute, second | |
Block until the slave has read and applied all updates up to the specified position | |
Perform full-text search | |
Return the maximum value | |
Whether MBR of one geometry contains MBR of another | |
Whether one MBR is covered by another | |
Whether one MBR covers another | |
Whether MBRs of two geometries are disjoint | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Whether MBRs of two geometries are equal |
Whether MBRs of two geometries are equal | |
Whether MBRs of two geometries intersect | |
Whether MBRs of two geometries overlap | |
Whether MBRs of two geometries touch | |
Whether MBR of one geometry is within MBR of another | |
Calculate MD5 checksum | |
Return the microseconds from argument | |
Return a substring starting from the specified position | |
Return the minimum value | |
Minus operator | |
Return the minute from the argument | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Construct MultiLineString from WKT |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Construct MultiLineString from WKB |
Return the remainder | |
Modulo operator | |
Return the month from the date passed | |
Return the name of the month | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Construct MultiPoint from WKT |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Construct MultiPoint from WKB |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Construct MultiPolygon from WKT |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Construct MultiPolygon from WKB |
Contruct MultiLineString from LineString values | |
Construct MultiPoint from Point values | |
Construct MultiPolygon from Polygon values | |
Causes the column to have the given name | |
Negates value | |
Check whether a value is not within a range of values | |
Not equal operator | |
Check whether a value is not within a set of values | |
Negation of simple pattern matching | |
Negation of REGEXP | |
Return the current date and time | |
Return NULL if expr1 = expr2 | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return number of geometries in geometry collection |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return number of interior rings in Polygon |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return number of points in LineString |
Return a string containing octal representation of a number | |
Synonym for LENGTH() | |
Return the value of the pre-4.1 implementation of PASSWORD | |
Logical OR | |
Return character code for leftmost character of the argument | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Whether MBRs of two geometries overlap |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Calculate and return a password string |
Add a period to a year-month | |
Return the number of months between periods | |
Return the value of pi | |
Addition operator | |
Construct Point from coordinates | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Construct Point from WKT |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Construct Point from WKB |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return N-th point from LineString |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Construct Polygon from WKT |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Construct Polygon from WKB |
Construct Polygon from LineString arguments | |
Synonym for LOCATE() | |
Return the argument raised to the specified power | |
Return the argument raised to the specified power | |
Analyze the results of a query | |
Return the quarter from a date argument | |
Escape the argument for use in an SQL statement | |
Return argument converted to radians | |
Return a random floating-point value | |
Return a random byte vector | |
Pattern matching using regular expressions | |
Releases all current named locks | |
Releases the named lock | |
Repeat a string the specified number of times | |
Replace occurrences of a specified string | |
Reverse the characters in a string | |
Return the specified rightmost number of characters | |
Right shift | |
Synonym for REGEXP | |
Round the argument | |
The number of rows updated | |
Append string the specified number of times | |
Remove trailing spaces | |
Synonym for DATABASE() | |
Converts seconds to 'HH:MM:SS' format | |
Return the second (0-59) | |
Synonym for USER() | |
Calculate an SHA-1 160-bit checksum | |
Calculate an SHA-2 checksum | |
Return the sign of the argument | |
Return the sine of the argument | |
Sleep for a number of seconds | |
Return a soundex string | |
Compare sounds | |
Return a string of the specified number of spaces | |
Return the square root of the argument | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return spatial reference system ID for geometry |
Return Polygon or MultiPolygon area | |
Convert from internal geometry format to WKB | |
Generate GeoJSON object from geometry | |
Convert from internal geometry format to WKT | |
Return geometry of points within given distance from geometry | |
Produce strategy option for ST_Buffer() | |
Return centroid as a point | |
Whether one geometry contains another | |
Return convex hull of geometry | |
Whether one geometry crosses another | |
Return point set difference of two geometries | |
Dimension of geometry | |
Whether one geometry is disjoint from another | |
The distance of one geometry from another | |
Minimum distance on earth between two geometries | |
End Point of LineString | |
Return MBR of geometry | |
Whether one geometry is equal to another | |
Return exterior ring of Polygon | |
Produce a geohash value | |
Return geometry collection from WKT | |
Return geometry collection from WKB | |
Return N-th geometry from geometry collection | |
Return name of geometry type | |
Generate geometry from GeoJSON object | |
Return geometry from WKT | |
Return geometry from WKB | |
Return N-th interior ring of Polygon | |
Return point set intersection of two geometries | |
Whether one geometry intersects another | |
Whether a geometry is closed and simple | |
Placeholder function | |
Whether a geometry is simple | |
Whether a geometry is valid | |
Return latitude from geohash value | |
Return length of LineString | |
Construct LineString from WKT | |
Construct LineString from WKB | |
Return longitude from geohash value | |
Rectangle around two points | |
Construct MultiLineString from WKT | |
Construct MultiLineString from WKB | |
Construct MultiPoint from WKT | |
Construct MultiPoint from WKB | |
Construct MultiPolygon from WKT | |
Construct MultiPolygon from WKB | |
Return number of geometries in geometry collection | |
Return number of interior rings in Polygon | |
Return number of points in LineString | |
Whether one geometry overlaps another | |
Convert geohash value to POINT value | |
Construct Point from WKT | |
Construct Point from WKB | |
Return N-th point from LineString | |
Construct Polygon from WKT | |
Construct Polygon from WKB | |
Return simplified geometry | |
Return spatial reference system ID for geometry | |
Start Point of LineString | |
Return point set symmetric difference of two geometries | |
Whether one geometry touches another | |
Return point set union of two geometries | |
Return validated geometry | |
Whether one geometry is within another | |
Return X coordinate of Point | |
Return Y coordinate of Point | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Start Point of LineString |
Return the population standard deviation | |
Return the population standard deviation | |
Return the population standard deviation | |
Return the sample standard deviation | |
Convert a string to a date | |
Compare two strings | |
Synonym for DATE_SUB() when invoked with three arguments | |
Return the substring as specified | |
Return the substring as specified | |
Return a substring from a string before the specified number of occurrences of the delimiter | |
Subtract times | |
Return the sum | |
Return the time at which the function executes | |
Synonym for USER() | |
Return the tangent of the argument | |
Extract the time portion of the expression passed | |
Format as time | |
Return the argument converted to seconds | |
Subtract time | |
Multiplication operator | |
With a single argument, this function returns the date or datetime expression; with two arguments, the sum of the arguments | |
Add an interval to a datetime expression | |
Subtract an interval from a datetime expression | |
Return the argument converted to a base-64 string | |
Return the date argument converted to days | |
Return the date or datetime argument converted to seconds since Year 0 | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Whether one geometry touches another |
Remove leading and trailing spaces | |
Truncate to specified number of decimal places | |
Synonym for UPPER() | |
Change the sign of the argument | |
Uncompress a string compressed | |
Return the length of a string before compression | |
Return a string containing hex representation of a number | |
Return a UNIX timestamp | |
Return replaced XML fragment | |
Convert to uppercase | |
The user name and host name provided by the client | |
Return the current UTC date | |
Return the current UTC time | |
Return the current UTC date and time | |
Return a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) | |
Return an integer-valued universal identifier | |
Determine strength of password | |
Defines the values to be used during an INSERT | |
Return the population standard variance | |
Return the sample variance | |
Return the population standard variance | |
Return a string that indicates the MySQL server version | |
Wait until the given GTIDs have executed on slave. | |
Wait until the given GTIDs have executed on slave. | |
Return the week number | |
Return the weekday index | |
Return the calendar week of the date (1-53) | |
Return the weight string for a string | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Whether MBR of one geometry is within MBR of another |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return X coordinate of Point |
Logical XOR | |
(deprecated 5.7.6) | Return Y coordinate of Point |
Return the year | |
Return the year and week |